After giving my Easter lesson to the correctional facility, I decided to send a thank-you note to the photographer of the Death Valley Photos. Here is what I said to her:
I just wanted to let you know how much I have appreciated your photos of the flowers of Death Valley. I have been following your work closely for the last few weeks as you have documented the desert in bloom.
I had an interesting experience this last Sunday (Easter Sunday) I had the opportunity to teach some Sunday School classes at a nearby youth correctional facility. We talked about how easter is a time of renewal, and a time for new life as a part of what we celebrate on Easter.
I printed out a few of your flower photos, to show the inmates at the correctional facility the changes to the Death Valley landscape, with the abundance of rain that has fallen the last few months.
I explained that the seeds of these wildflowers had been waiting in the parched and burning soil for many, many years (upwards of 100 years in some cases, as I understand). When the conditions were right, what once may have appeared barren and desolate, has now blossomed into full flower. The beauties of the land, just waiting to com forth, were finally given an opportunity to bloom and grow.
I likened it to the potential that each one of us has within ourselves. Sometimes our lives might appear barren and desoloate. But under the right conditions, we can germniate the great "seeds" of potential that each one of us has as Children of our Heavenly Father.
Your photos were a hit among these young people (12-18 years of age). I passed them around and let them view them, as we discussed what has happened in Death Valley, and the innate potential that each one of them has to blossom and grow as well.
Thanks again for your wonderful pictures. I just wanted you to know that they have been an inspiriation to me, as well as the 60 youths that I spent time with on Sunday Morning.
-- David B. Carpenter
I had no idea how my use of her photos would go over. I didn't know if she was a Christian, or a religious person at all. So I didn't quite know what to expect from her in response.
A couple of hours later, her is the response I received back from Judy, the photographer:
WOW, you have blown me away. To give hope and change even one life with one's pix. I can't even find words.
I missed the bloom in 98, as I was caretaker of my mother at that time. Years that I will never regret, it was my pleasure to care for her. However I really didn't expect DV would do a greater bloom than 98 in my lifetime. It has!!! prayers are answered!!
God has blessed me greatly, in that I have been there twice this spring, and seen a bloom that is beyond words. Also I now have cameras to do the flowers justice, God gave me that also, and the skill to capture them.
Thank you.
I was thankful that she was pleased with my use of her photos. It made me feel good to let her know that her photos were going to good use. I also used the photos for my home teaching messages in March, as we approached Easter as well. In fact, I left the photos with an elderly widow lady that I home teach, who really seemed to be enjoying them. (I can always print out more for myself, if need be).
You can view more of Judy's photos of Death Valley, and the wildflowers by clicking on the photo above.
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