Sunday, January 15, 2006

Helping Youth Prepare For Missionary Service

Plant The Idea to Serve Very Early In Life
Preparing a son or daughter to go on a mission, is a lifelong processes. Waiting until a young man turns 18 and then suggesting that he go on a mission is way too late to begin. Going on a mission, and eternal marriage should be taught and looked forward to from early childhood.

Elder Marvin K. Gardner gives an example of this from his life:

As I look back now, I can see a lot of things dad and mother did—sometimes subtly and other times not so subtly—to help us get ready for our missions. They made missionary training a natural part of life.

That’s how they got their eight sons to help out with the washing, the ironing, the cleaning, and the cooking. (Our little sister came last.) It was all good experience, they kept telling us—experience for marriage, yes. But first, experience for the time we’d have to fend for ourselves on a mission.

That’s how they kept us from getting too serious with a girl too soon. During high school, it’s best to date lots of girls instead of just one, they said, to avoid the possibility of having to choose between marriage and a mission.

That’s how they got us to save our money instead of spending it all the minute we made it.

I’m not saying that dad and mother brought up the word mission every time they corrected us or tried to get us to do something; they didn’t have to. A mission was only one of the many things they were helping us prepare for. But they helped us see that preparation for a mission was good preparation for the rest of our lives. That’s why I never thought dad and mother had one-track minds stuck on missionary work. That’s why I don’t remember ever feeling pushed or coerced to serve a mission. We all expected to go on a mission just like we all expected to . . . get married in the temple. (Marvin K. Gardner, “What Parents Can Do … Before the Call Comes,” Ensign, Dec. 1979, 7)

It was much the same in my home, as I was growing up. When my two brothers and I turned 19, each of us expected to go on a mission, and were looking forward to it. Each of us made our own choice to go; we were not forced or pressured to leave. However, the idea of going on a mission just seemed to be natural part of life. And it was!

Obtaining a Knowledge and Testimony of the Gospel
With the recent changes to the missionary discussions, missionaries no longer memorize discussions. Instead, they study and learn gospel doctrines and principles in five basic lessons, and create individualized lesson plans for each investigator, or new convert. In order to teach effectively, each missionary needs to know the gospel himself.

Parents need to emphasize the importance of studying the gospel in their own homes, years before the mission call comes. Regular family scripture study and home evenings can go a long way toward helping children learn the gospel. Family scripture study also helps reinforce the scriptures as a prominent part of our daily lives. Attendance at Sunday meetings, seminary, and youth activities should also be encouraged by parents to help youth people learn the gospel for themselves.

Perhaps the single most effective tool for learning the gospel, and gaining a personal testimony is the Book of Mormon. Joseph Smith once said that:

“. . .the Book of Mormon [is] the most correct of any book on earth, and the keystone of our religion, and a man would get nearer to God by abiding its precepts, than by any other book. (History of the Church 1:461.)

We all know the promise contained within the Book of Mormon itself, that if we will study it, ponder, and pray to know the truth, that the Holy Ghost will manifest the truthfulness of what is contained in the Book of Mormon to our hearts and minds. (See Moroni 10:3-5)

Recording For Future Playback
Our minds are wonderful things. All the studying we do, both before and during our missions is indelibly recorded in our brains. The power Heavenly Father has given our brains to absorb and retain information is one of the reasons that we must be careful about the kinds of words and images we view. Sometimes as mortals – especially when we get older – we have a hard time recalling all the information that has been stored in our minds.

However, the Holy Ghost has a key to unlock our minds. Through the power of the Holy Ghost, all that we have previously studied and learned can become available to us as we teach the gospel. One of the special functions of the Holy Ghost is to bring all these things to our remembrance. (See John 14:26)

If we have diligently studied and learned the gospel, the Spirit will bring the things we learned back to our remembrance, just in the moment they are needed in teaching situations. I know this was the case with me when I was on my mission. A scripture, or a concept would just pop into my head at the most opportune moments. I learned that this was Spirit prompting me to teach the things that the person I was teaching needed to hear – at that very moment.

On the other hand, if we have not sufficiently prepared ourselves, the Spirit will have less within us to work with, and we will not be as effective of a teacher as we might have otherwise have been.

Help Youth to Recognize the Spirit
Having a good working knowledge of the gospel is important. However, having a personal witness of the truthfulness of the restored gospel makes for a far more powerful and effective teacher.

Investigators can sense whether or not you really believe what you are teaching. When you teach with the spirit and with a personal testimony, you teach with power. Power that communicates spirit to spirit. Power that will cause hearts to soften and change. When you teach with the spirit, you will see miracles happen as people hear the voice of the Lord, through you, and make the necessary changes in their lives to come unto him and be baptized. There is no greater work.

As parents, one of the greatest things we can do is to help our children learn to recognize the presence of the Holy ghost. Take the time when you have your family scripture study, or home evenings to point out moments when the presence of the Spirit can be felt. In fact, helping children and youth learn to feel the promptings and impressions of the spirit may be even more important than the subject matter that you are teaching at the time. Because once a person learns how to receive light and knowledge from the Holy Spirit, the key to the knowledge of all things is then opened up to them.

Using “Preach My Gospel” in the Home
A little over a year ago, the updated missionary manual “Preach My Gospel” was introduced. This manual contains mission rules, missionary study materials, as well as the concepts of the gospel that they are to teach investigators and new members. Missionaries are to create individualized lesson plans for each investigator or new convert.

Unlike previous full-time missionary resources, Preach My Gospel is available to any leader or member of the church through the church distribution center.

Speaking of “Preach My Gospel”, Elder Richard G. Scott, in the April 2005 General Conference said:

[Preach My Gospel was] developed primarily for full-time missionary use. [However], this material has also proven to be most beneficial for parents who want to help children prepare for a mission. Young men and women as well as some couples are using the resource to get a head start before entering the missionary training centers. Some priesthood leaders have confirmed its worth in preparing Aaronic Priesthood brethren for missions. (Richard G. Scott, “The Power of Preach My Gospel,” Ensign, May 2005, 29)

You might be interested to know some of what is contained in Preach My Gospel. Here are a few of the chapter headings:

  • How do I study effectively and prepare to teach?

  • How do I recognize and understand the Spirit?

  • What is the role of the Book of Mormon?

  • How do I develop Christlike attributes?

  • How do I use time wisely?

  • How do I find people to teach?

  • How can I improve my teaching skills?

Family Home evenings could be based on Preach My Gospel, and each family member, as they are old enough, can take turns in teaching from its pages. This will help them become familiar with what missionaries do, and how they live, as well provide opportunities for every family member to prepare and teach lessons. Being able to stand up before a group, and make a presentation is an invaluable skill for missionaries.

Practical Living Skills
Practical living skills are also important for a young man, or young woman as they enter the mission field. Things like basic cooking skills, how to do laundry and household cleaning, and even a little bit of basic sewing – like how to sew on a button. Other practical skills like budgeting, time management, and goal setting are also great preparation for a mission. Many of these skills can be learned throughout their lives from daily chores and responsibilities around the house.

So kids -- when your parents ask you to do the dishes, or clean up your room, they are not only wanting you to do your chores, but they are also trying to help you prepare for your mission as well. While its true, parents could do these chores themselves, they are actually unselfishly trying to help you prepare for your mission, and for your life later on after you leave home!

These practical life-skills not only prepare youth for their missions, but for when they go off to college, and later when they get married and begin new homes and families of their own.

Physical and Mental Preparedness
Spiritual preparedness, and the ability to take care of oneself on your own are important ways to prepare for a mission. However, we also need to prepare ourselves physically and mentally as well.

One thing you will find, is that missionary work is hard, strenuous work – both physically and mentally! A missionary’s day begins early in the morning, at 6:30 am, and their whole day is filled with scheduled activities until 10:30 pm. It takes a lot of energy to be a missionary. Being in good physical condition is important to be being able to keep up with what is expected of you.

Likewise, good mental health is also important for effective missionary service. One problem many missionaries struggle with is homesickness. It is good for youth to occasionally spend some time away from home. This can come in the form of scout or young women’s camps. Spending a few days away from home with grandma and grandpa, or an aunt or uncle when school is not in session is another way to learn about being away from home. Time spent away from home, while going to college also his an excellent way to learn how to function on one’s own, while still being able to call mom or dad on a regular basis, or come home for the weekend if you are close enough to home.

When a young man or woman enters the mission field, it is time to leave the thoughts of home, school, and girlfriends behind. Time serving on a full-time mission is consecrated time. When we agree to missionary service, we are asked to serve with all our hearts, might, mind, and strength. If a part of us is still so wrapped up in life back home, we cannot fully focus on our missionary responsibilities, and we are not able to give the full measure of service that is required.

Teaching our children how to deal with discouragement is also another way in which parents can prepare their children for the mission field, and for life in general. Missionary work is filled with many ups and downs. There are many great and marvelous experiences to be had. However, we know that there is opposition in all things, and along with those highs, will be some low moments as well. We cannot expect every moment of our mission, or of our live to be one continuous high. Young people need to learn how to deal with discouragement, and how to continue pressing forward, with faith, even in the face of adversity.

Discouragement comes to all missionaries at one time or another. It is not the same thing as depression. Individuals who are prone to serious states of depression or mental illness, who have previously required counseling and medication should consult with their priesthood leaders prior to submitting an application for missionary service. The application must include an honest history. If medication has been prescribed, it should be continued while serving in the mission field. (See: S. Brent Scharman, “Preparing Your Future Missionary,” Ensign, Oct. 2004, 17)

The Example of Parents
A tradition of missionary work also plays a strong roll in preparing children for missionary service.

If one, or both of the parents has served a mission, parents should regularly share their missionary experiences with their children. When personal experiences are shared with our children, missionary work becomes that much more real to them. If you kept a missionary journal while on your mission, you might want share some of your journal entries, photographs or other memorabilia with your family as part of home evening lessons from time-to-time. Be sure to share your testimony along with your reminiscences. This will help create a legacy and tradition of missionary service in your family, which your children can look forward to carrying on themselves.

The example of how parents live their everyday is also powerful in preparing children for missions. As children see you keeping your covenants, attending your meetings, fulfilling your callings, and supporting priesthood leaders, they will know that you are putting the Lord first in your life. They will see that you have chosen to make the sacrifices necessary to follow the Lord. This example will be a great motivator for them when they too, must come to grips with the sacrifice that is being asked of them, and consecrate two years of their young lives on the altar of the Lord.

Be Involved in Member Missionary Work
All of the things we have talked about thus far, are important, excellent ways in which to prepare our youth to serve missions. All of these things are quite useful and necessary.

However, if I were to choose one single way, that you can best prepare a child for a mission, it would be to become missionaries now!

If you, as a family are actively seeking out missionary opportunities, and inviting your friends and neighbors to be taught the gospel in your own home, you will provide the opportunity for your children to see real missionaries in action!

Having the full-missionaries frequently in your home, as they teach a neighbor or friend brings a powerful spirit into your home. What better preparation for a mission is there than actually seeing the change of conversion come over a friend or loved-one as they accept the gospel of Jesus Christ. What a powerful influence it will be on your children as they see investigators enter the waters of baptism, and receive the gift of the Holy Ghost. Let your own children study and pray, and gain their own testimonies of the gospel, right along with the investigators who are being taught in your home.

The spirit and the example of the full-time missionaries will also rub-off on your whole family as well. If your home is filled with the spirit of missionary work, your children will be also. They will have tasted of that sweet spirit the gospel brings, and have a desire to share it with others. And when the time comes, it will be their desire to serve a full-time mission, and declare the glad tidings of the gospel to all who will hear.


Anonymous said...

As a returned missionary I found this information very inciteful, accurate, and beneficial for all people having to do with missionary work--especially those going on missions themselves and their parents. Thank you for this article!

Anonymous said...

hi! my name is tj borras.i have come across this article because me too have the heart to be a missionary. i receive this calling when i went to india two years ago.up to this time, im still waiting for god's perfect timing for me to go back. this article is really very helpful esp to people like me who wants to go overseas as a missionary. please do keep me in prayer.. thanks and god bless. you can email me at

ThankGod said...

hi, my name ThankGod Abbey. I have had this passion to be a missionary for a very long time now.
I needed help on how to go about it.
The articles actualy helped a lot but i will need more guidlines on how to go about my calling as a missionary.